Why lemmova ?

Save time, money, and nervous on tools and processes that kill your creativity. Let lemmova keeps your space focused and organized.

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content management hub

How it works?

Step 01

Create the convenient structure

Create a project based on our department structures - marketing, sales, product. If you are an agency, create different projects for every client.
Prepare post templates for your types of content: blog posts with must-have points checkboxes, seo meta data, and references; help posts with comments by dev team, prepared images for editing, and wiki references; social posts with images and hashtags; website pages with headings, seo meta data, and guidelince; emails; etc. Customize template, add word limitations, additional info, and any blocks you want.

Create a project
Step 01

Step 02

Add users for real-time collaboration

Add users with different permissions for convenient coordinating the content creation process: project manager for creating content plan and coordinating; SEO specialist for adding keywords and meta tags, designer for adding/editing images for posts; content creator for preparing your awesome content; editor for proofreading and checking your content; and any other roles you need for your projects. You may edit permission for each role if you don't want to show all posts to someone. You'll see who is at the same post in real-time, who has left comments and suggestions. All revision history is available for you.

Add users
Step 02

Step 03

Create workflows

Workflows allow you to automate the creation process. When the post is ready for the next stage just click the Next Step and post will move during your flow: from writer to designer, from editor to sales manager. Any combination is allowed, limitations are only your imagination. Our most popular flows:

PM → Writer → SEO → Designer → Editor → PM

Marketing Manager (MM) → Social Manager (SM) → Editor → SM

Sales Manager → MM → Writer → Editor → MM → Sales Manager

Create a worklow
Step 03

Step 04

Start content creation

Our convenient editor reduces stress and helps with routine tasks: built-in spell checker, grammar checker, plagiarism checker, keywords occurrence checking, word counter, auto-saving — everything is available in one place, so your team members don't need to leave the post and do tons of copy-paste actions to different solutions.

Coming soon: recommendations for tone of text, improving of quality, etc.

Create a post
Step 04

Step 05

Publish it!

Save, send, publish.
Save as document, pdf, or HTML.
Send ready post via email, as a message to messengers, or copy a sharable link.
Publish to your website using ready-to-use integrations with WordPress, Drupal, Medium, or schedule posts to popular social networks: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and other.
Or use our webhook/API for publishing to your website.

Get started
Step 05

Step 06

Customize reports

Do you know your first price of each post? How many rejects did you last post have? How many posts did each writer do last month? Create your report using data about posts: volume, types, projects, etc.

Create a report
Step 06

Ready to try! Do you have any project to working with?


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